My name is Ravi Patel. I living in Morbi(Guj). I originally graduated from college with a Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA) and A Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc(IT)), and then started blogging website full time. My website including programming language-related answers.

Devnote website’s main goal is developer’s error will be solved in a short time. so they can search error or packages. We’ll be sharing codes of Laravel, WordPress, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, MYSQL, Bootstrap, JQuery, Javascript, Python, Django, etc. I hope you will find a good solution and a fine example of topics like Laravel, Python, etc.


Each person has different-different hobbies. I started learning web developing language like PHP, Python, etc. and reading books and created a simple program when I was in college.

My Strengths

I am very expert in swimming. I also love sports. so I am the best javelin throw player in my college. I am a fast runner and I also love athletics.

I am Learning new things which I always enjoy. I always update myself with the news and new programming language related news.


Tel : +91 (973)-705-8839

My Weaknesses

As every man has one or more weaknesses, but my one weakness is I say other people about myself, but I try my best to overcome my weaknesses.

My ideas

Currently, generation developers only two ways to find its solution video or code. the developer did not read a description and our goal is how to easily solve their issues. I love this thought “sort code is better programming”. And as per my thinking: “Mobile eats up your thoughts“. so please as much as possible do not use mobile.

mobile man with cartoon

Devnote provides a collection of tutorials about PHP, Laravel, WordPress, Django, MySQL, Bootstrap, Jquery, Ajax, APIs, CRUD operations, etc.

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Morbi, Gujarat, India - 363641